Covid-19 Update


As we continue to forge our way through this global crisis, Flexicare are proud to say, that excepting additional PPE for our carers, that we are providing care for our clients as we always have.

At the onset of this crisis we were honest about the struggle we had experienced trying to source masks, we have been inundated with offers of homemade masks for our carers alongside, ear protectors and hand sanitiser. It has been heartwarming, and we are profoundly grateful to those who have been so generous and thoughtful.

We were overjoyed to be provided with PPE from the County Council to bridge the gap between what we have not been able to source from our usual suppliers. Meaning we have been able to continue to provide care in the safest way possible for our clients and ensuring our valued Carers are protected also.

We are finding new ways to deliver the operational side of Flexicare- continuing to recruit and train our carers by utilising our online training library and creating our own content to deliver digitally.

Lastly, but by no means least, we want to thank the Flexicare Carers. Whom go out each day, working on the frontline and delivering much needed and vital services to our clients. Your unwavering commitment and care.