Flexicare UK Ltd have always taken infection control very seriously.
Over two decades all our Personal Assistants and Management have been trained to the highest standard in Infection Control.
Since 2015: l Flexicare UK Personal Assistants complete a Nationally Accredited Standard of Infection Control knowledge as part of their Care Certificate (National Government Requirement for working in Health and Social Care in Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Community Care).
Over the last eighteen months, a strong emphasis on Hand Hygiene Training has been delivered at Flexicare UK Ltd.
This has been delivered by experts in Infection Control, as well as qualified nurse training for all Personal Assistants.
As our Duty of Care to keep you safe, we currently provide simple Protective Clothing ie: Plastic Aprons/Latex and Vinyl gloves/Face Masks and Shoe Protectors.
Our Personal Assistants understand the IMPORTANCE AND DUTY OF CARE of Hand Hygiene and will ensure that your care and support is safely carried out.
The gloves that Flexicare UK Ltd provide are used to protect yourself and Flexicare Personal Assistants and Flexicare clients are asked if they would provide soap and kitchen roll for correct Hand Hygiene procedure (As per National Standards/Flexicare UK Training).
Flexicare Staff is trained when/where/what/ and how to use aprons and gloves safely (including) donning and removal; and have recently been sent all government advice from Public Health England.
Please see below Flexicare UK Ltd commitment to Safe Care/Clean Hands Research (World Health Organisation 2000-2020). And our commitment to working with our multi-disciplinary partners should the virus be unable to contain.
· Flexicare UK Ltd commits to working with NHS/Commissioners AND Social Care partners to enable clients to be supported and cared for at home with best practice in Infection Control Procedures at all times.
· Flexicare UK Ltd will work collaboratively with the NHS/Local Authorities and Volunteers to ensure a consistent and professional standard of care in the community.
· Any Personal Assistant feeling ill/showing symptoms/ testing positive for the Coronavirus will naturally follow the advice from Public Health England to “Self Isolate” for the recommended timescale.
· Flexicare UK Ltd commit to and will follow government advice on:
· Specific Protective clothing required (as detailed from government advice).
· Keep all communication channels open and transparent to Safeguard our clients’ health and well being (Flexicare UK Ltd values).
· Work in partnership with our NHS and Local Authority partners to ensure that EVERYTHING POSSIBLE IS BEING DONE to protect your health and well being at this challenging time in controlling the infection.
· This policy will be revisited and monitored daily as Flexicare UK Ltd will follow implicitly advice from Public Health England and NHS England.